What is HTMA (Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis Testing?

The HTMA test looks at mineral levels, toxic metals, and mineral ratios.

It helps us look deeper into what is going on inside the cells over the past 3 months. Minerals are the spark plugs in our body, so this is a highly valuable test that can help dig deeper into the root issues that may be causing your symptoms

HTMA Testing Can Help Improve...

Chronic Fatigue

Chronic Stress (Burnout)

Brain Fog


PMS Irritability

Painful Periods


Post Birth Control

Liver Detoxification

Suboptimal Thyroid

Gallbladder Symptoms

Here is Precisely How it Works.....

We will meet for a 75 minute initial consultation after having emailed out and received back a few documents; intake forms and any functional tests you have had over the last two years. You will receive a comprehensive protocol following this.

4 weeks later once your HTMA results are in we have a 30 minute follow up consultation ($80, not included in HTMA bundle) to incorporate your HTMA results.

Purchase your HTMA Bundle for $349

What's Included:

HTMA test (Sent to your home)

75 Minute Nutrition and

Personalised nutrition, lifestyle and supplement protocols based on your symptoms, healthy history & test results

Access to Full-Script account for professional grade supplements (15% off all supplements)


I agree to terms & conditions & privacy policy provided by the company. By providing my email address, I agree to receive emails from the business.

A Transformative Journey to a Healthier me

The Liver Love Reset has been an absolute game-changer for me.

As someone who is deeply committed to maintaining a healthy lifestyle I’ve always been on the look out for the perfect way to support my wellbeing especially the liver as I now know how important it is.

I can confidently say it ticks all the boxes and more. This will be part of my new health protocol

Maria P x

Would do again

Plan of doing this again in the next few months as I got so much out of it the first time.

Have more energy, jump out of bed now, no brain fog and my moods are more stable. Easy to follow instructions.

Julie F x

Would do again

Plan of doing this again in the next few months as I got so much out of it the first time.

Have more energy, jump out of bed now, no brain fog and my moods are more stable. Easy to follow instructions.

Julie F x

Imagine... Just 90 Days from Now...

Taking control, steering your health with a tried-and-true strategy.

Tracking real, tangible progress through state-of-the-art Functional Tests.

Shedding unwanted weight, embracing empowerment, energy, and resilience.

Freeing yourself from limiting beliefs, eliminating self-sabotage, and priming yourself for success in every life sphere.


Success lies in consistent tracking and reflection.

Gauge how close you are to your objectives, identifying the steps needed for progress.

Witness the tangible change through comparative Functional test results.


The ANS (Autonomic Nervous System) is the part of the nervous system that supplies the internal organs, including the blood vessels, stomach, intestine, liver, kidneys, bladder, genitals, lungs, pupils, heart, and sweat, salivary, and digestive glands.

It interprets environmental inputs and then regulates organ function accordingly to keep the body in a state of adaptation.

Environmental inputs come from internal and external sources.

If the ANS does not interpret and respond appropriately to environmental inputs, the body will not properly adapt to stressors placed upon it.

And a dysfunctional ANS leads to a dysfunctional body and mind.

So hello symptoms related to digestion, cellular energy production, immune function, detoxification, hormone imbalance, and more.

The ANS gets thrown out of whack when the level of physical, environmental, biochemical, emotional, mental, and (or) spiritual stress placed upon it exceeds the ability to adapt. And, stressors will vary from person to person.

If the ANS becomes overwhelmed it can get stuck in fight or flight mode or freeze mode and can even bounce back and forth between the two.

When this happens our health, mood and life can suffer. And challenges can continue until the ANS is brought back into balance. Our nervous system needs to feel safe more often than not to heal!


The ANS (Autonomic Nervous System) is the part of the nervous system that supplies the internal organs, including the blood vessels, stomach, intestine, liver, kidneys, bladder, genitals, lungs, pupils, heart, and sweat, salivary, and digestive glands.

It interprets environmental inputs and then regulates organ function accordingly to keep the body in a state of adaptation.

Environmental inputs come from internal and external sources.

If the ANS does not interpret and respond appropriately to environmental inputs, the body will not properly adapt to stressors placed upon it.

And a dysfunctional ANS leads to a dysfunctional body and mind.

So hello symptoms related to digestion, cellular energy production, immune function, detoxification, hormone imbalance, and more.

The ANS gets thrown out of whack when the level of physical, environmental, biochemical, emotional, mental, and (or) spiritual stress placed upon it exceeds the ability to adapt. And, stressors will vary from person to person.

If the ANS becomes overwhelmed it can get stuck in fight or flight mode or freeze mode and can even bounce back and forth between the two.

When this happens our health, mood and life can suffer. And challenges can continue until the ANS is brought back into balance. Our nervous system needs to feel safe more often than not to heal!

Using Functional Testing (incl) based on your genetic sample your test results will show your individual and personalised blueprint for your current health status and your hierarchy of care, the priorities of what is needed to address your nutrient deficiencies, imbalances and toxicities.

Based on Science and Validated with Research

Investigating and incorporating my 5 Pillars as a Comprehensive Integrated Solution 

Test, Don’t Guess: Functional Testing and Interpretation based on my extensive study

Bio Identical Protocol, Treatment Plans, Nutrition and Meal Planning

Extensive Collection of Resources to assess and incorporate

Knowledge is your Superpower

Understand key principles of health

So you become your own “Clinical Nutritionist”

What you learn can be applied to the continual management for your future preventative health

Your needs will only be a half-yearly/yearly check ups 

(availability to meet 1:1 can be extended if you need more clarity at any time or an acute symptom arises)


I cannot overstate the importance of the nervous system.

I cannot overstate the importance of the nervous system. It impacts every part of your body, including digestion, brain function, mood, detoxification, hormones, and more. When the nervous system is dysregulated, nothing works correctly. Even worse, severe physical or emotional trauma can cause the nervous system to enter a chronic survival mode, making healing impossible.

To truly heal ourselves, we must learn to break the cycle of trauma, stress, and dysfunction. Long-term nervous system dysregulation equals survival mode, and it's impossible to function properly in this state. Once the nervous system calms down, everything else falls into place. Holistic Nervous System Healing is essential for true healing.

Healing the nervous system is a crucial part of overall health. Trauma disrupts our nervous system, and we need to heal it to feel safe in our bodies again. The body remains stuck in the state it was in when the trauma occurred, constantly depleting nutrients. Breaking this loop is necessary for real healing to occur.

Trauma isn't just one significant event; it can be anything that feels traumatic to you personally. This includes childhood abuse, losing a loved one, accidents, bullying, and even the stress of a chronic illness. There's no shame in acknowledging your trauma. Your body can't process the thought of "others have it worse"; it only knows what it has experienced.

After a decade in the natural health world, I've seen that many people prefer to ignore this topic. However, to heal physically, you must also address emotional issues. Those who work on their mind, body, and soul achieve the best results on their healing journey.

Symptoms of nervous system dysregulation include anxiety, OCD, food or other sensitivities, insomnia, memory issues, social anxiety, social media addiction, and mood regulation problems (such as anger swings, depression, and frequent arguments).

Insomnia is a significant symptom—if you don't feel safe in your body, sleeping at night can be difficult. Issues like Lyme disease, mould, and parasites can keep the nervous system in a constant state of stress.  

Common Symptoms of Nervous System Dysfunction



Sensitive to sounds and light

Social anxiety


Muscle pain

Gut issues (sensitive to foods, slow digestion)

Food aversions


Feelings of overwhelm

Cognitive issues, trouble retaining information, dyslexia

Common Symptoms of Nervous System Dysfunction



Sensitive to sounds and light

Social anxiety


Muscle pain

Gut issues (sensitive to foods, slow digestion)

Food aversions


Feelings of overwhelm

Cognitive issues, trouble retaining information, dyslexia

How many of these symptoms are a part of specific diagnoses? What if these diagnoses were truly just a sign of complete imbalance in the body? You’re not broken. You don’t need a label to understand yourself.

Imagine running a long marathon. When you’re done, all sweaty and sore and exhausted someone is like, “Let’s do a sauna, an enema, and this juice that’s going to make you purge all your toxins.”

This is close to what you’re body is feeling when you’re burnt out, completely depleted of nutrients, and trying to force it to detox.

You need time to heal, recover, and feel safe again before your body can detox.

If you’ve been dealing with chronic illness for years, your body is EXHAUSTED. The last thing you need is to make it purge.

With holistic healing, we’re often having to switch our mindset away from what allopathic medicine does.

In allopathic medicine if you get sick, they say, “here take this antibiotic which will kill off all of your good and bad bacteria, but it’s going to get rid of the bug you have.”

That’s the same mentality we’re seeing with the DETOX everything clan now. Your body can naturally detox, but when it’s stressed and depleted it’s not going to detox well. Instead of purging, flushing and creating more stress on your body we must first rebuild, nourish, and heal. Saunas, enemas, daily cold plunges, fasts, detox supplements- these things are too harsh on an already stressed body.

When your nervous system needs healing and you’ve been in survival mode for many years, your body is STUCK. Think of the freeze response. What does that make you think of? Nothing can flow if it’s frozen.

Stomach acid, lymph, bile from your liver- all of these things need to FLOW. It is hard to do when your body is is FREEZE. This is why healing your nervous system is a big key in healing your body as a whole.

This is why we focus on rebuilding first for our Mineral Balancing HTMA Clients
before getting into any detox. Many of the gentle items we use can help with some detox, but it’s not nearly as stressful on the body, especially if you’re working on mineral balance, adrenals, and nervous system

You can be BORN with nervous system dysfunction. Nutritional deficiencies, trauma, toxicities- these have been passed on for generations.

HTMA (Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis) is a great test to determine your personal nutritional deficiencies. Some ratios give insight into your nervous system health, and our programs work heavily on nervous system healing.

One of the first things I think of when I think of evaluating our nervous system is of course, hair tissue mineral analysis (HTMA). On an HTMA, there is a significant ratio called the nervous system ratio, which consists of calcium and phosphorus. Calcium is controlled by the parasympathetic branch of our autonomic nervous system. When our parasympathetic nervous system is dominant, there is an accumulation of calcium in comparison to phosphorus, meaning the ratio will be higher.

In general, the parasympathetic nervous system is sedative and reduces our metabolism. This is why we want balance between calcium and phosphorus on an HTMA, which is what the nervous system ratio is looking at.

The sympathetic nervous system greatly impacts phosphorus. When our sympathetic nervous system is dominant, there is typically an increase in accumulation of phosphorus in the hair in comparison to calcium.

A high Ca/P ratio means calcium is higher than phosphorus and the metabolism is slower and the parasympathetic state is dominant. A lower Ca/P ratio means phosphorus is higher than calcium and the metabolism is faster and a sympathetic state is dominant.  

Blood sugar dysregulation is NOT the only thing that is impacting your cortisol level.

New research show our nervous system response also interplays into how we respond the stress.

Clinical Nutritionist, Metabolic Balance Practitioner, Ayurvedic Wellness Coach and Founder of The Liver Love Reset.

I have battled blood sugar issues, riding that rollercoaster for more than 20 years.

I've always been inclined to look after myself with exercise and eating well, only to realise now that I was over-exercising, under fuelling and dealing with intense sugar cravings (beyond what is normal to many) every single day to bring some kind of balance back to my energy levels.

The sugar high and crashes were debilitating.

The cravings were insatiable.

I was exhausted.

Even studying nutrition, I couldn't seem to curb my cravings.

I explored genetics, became obsessed with biochemistry and mineral balancing.

I was the pioneer of the mineral balancing testing interpretation and support in Australia.

I have two university degrees in Bachelor of Business Accounting, Bachelor of Health, Science, Food and Nutrition. And then I learned about Metabolic Health that was driving these insatiable cravings.

But the damage had been done.

Hormonal (stress) imbalances, insulin resistance, a sluggish metabolism and the realisation that toxins now accumulate in my fat cells regardless of how clean I eat or how much exercise I do.

So, I learnt how to regulate my nervous system and explore my patterns of behaviour and what was driving them.

I am also on an Accredited Emotional Release Technique Practitioner using a holistic psycho-emotional therapy to help identify and integrate underlying emotional blocks and behaviour patterns in the subconscious.

These underlying emotions contribute to the disharmony in the body, leading to symptoms and undesirable patterns and behaviours.

Stored emotions and stress, feedback loops may contribute to pain, illness and disease.

As a result of my personal experience and my thirst for knowledge on all things biochemistry, nutrition, minerals, metaphysical health or otherwise, I have come to understand that everybody needs to balance blood sugar, conquer cholesterol and feel safe to heal.

Clinical Nutritionist, Metabolic Balance Practitioner, Ayurvedic Wellness Coach and Founder of The Liver Love Reset.

I endured more than 20 years of riding the blood sugar rollercoaster. I’ve always had an inclination to look after myself with exercise and eating well, only to realise now I was over exercising, under fuelling and dealing with intense sugar cravings (beyond what is normal to many) every single day to bring some kind of balance back to my energy levels.

The sugar high and crashes were debilitating

The cravings were insatiable.

I was exhausted!

Even studying nutrition, I couldn’t seem to curb my cravings.

I explored genetics, became obsessed with biochemistry and mineral balancing (pioneering the mineral balancing testing, interpretation and support in Australia), I have two university degrees in Bachelor Of Business (Accounting) and Bachelor of Health Science (Food and Nutrition). Then I learnt about Metabolic Health and what was driving these insatiable cravings.

I explored genetics, became obsessed with biochemistry and mineral balancing.

I was the pioneer of the mineral balancing testing interpretation and support in Australia.

I have two university degrees in Bachelor of Business Accounting, Bachelor of Health, Science, Food and Nutrition. And then I learned about Metabolic Health that was driving these insatiable cravings.

But the damage had been done.

Hormonal (stress) imbalances, insulin resistance, a sluggish metabolism and the realisation that toxins now accumulate in my fat cells regardless of how clean I eat or how much exercise I do.

So, I learnt how to regulate my nervous system and explore my patterns of behaviour and what was driving them.

I am also on an Accredited Emotional Release Technique Practitioner using a holistic psycho-emotional therapy to help identify and integrate underlying emotional blocks and behaviour patterns in the subconscious.

These underlying emotions contribute to the disharmony in the body, leading to symptoms and undesirable patterns and behaviours.

Stored emotions and stress, feedback loops may contribute to pain, illness and disease.

As a result of my personal experience and my thirst for knowledge on all things biochemistry, nutrition, minerals, metaphysical health or otherwise, I have come to understand that everybody needs to balance blood sugar, conquer cholesterol and feel safe to heal.

Just excellent

Excellent liver cleanse – I feel great!

Simple program with great results – I lost 4kg pretty much overnight, have more energy and less brain fog. Its an easy step-by-step process really. Best to not overthink it

Deanne T x

Just excellent

Excellent liver cleanse – I feel great!

Simple program with great results – I lost 4kg pretty much overnight, have more energy and less brain fog. Its an easy step-by-step process really. Best to not overthink it

Deanne T x


Setting Up your Foundations

Health Assessment: Dive deep into your health history, both past and present.

Functional Testing: Evaluate metabolic health, nervous system regulation, toxicity, and metabolism.

Symptom Exploration: In a one-on-one setting, we'll tackle your symptoms and their potential biochemical roots.

Mineral Status: Discover how minerals, the body's spark plugs, influence your health.

Inclusions: HTMA (Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis) valued at $210 and a Functional Test with Health History Report and Treatment Plan valued at $190.


Goal Setting and Mindset

Purposeful Planning: Define your "why" and chart your course.

Transformational Journey: Understand the 4 stages of transformation.

Mindset Management: Discover how your thinking habits impact your health and learn to reframe self-care.

Mindfulness & Meditation: Explore techniques to centre and rejuvenate yourself.


Mineral Mastery

Foundation of Health: Dive deep into the world of minerals and their role in your health.

Symptom Root Causes: Connect mineral deficiencies to your health symptoms.

Special Topics: Unpack myths and facts around topics such as iron deficiencies, thyroid health, endometriosis, and more.

Heavy Metal Insight: Understand the importance of interpreting your toxic load.


Nutritional Planning & Tips

Metabolic Mastery: Equip yourself to manage your metabolism and blood sugar.

Nutrition Made Simple: Enjoy an easy-to-follow 3-month meal plan filled with nutrient-rich foods.

Hormonal Balance: Learn how to balance your macros for optimal hormonal health.

Inclusions: Comprehensive Meal Plan valued at $420.


Nervous System Regulation

Stress Analysis: Examine the impact of stress on your body and health.

Emotional Insights: Explore potential emotional blocks, traumas, and patterns that might be influencing your health.

Strategies for Emotional Wellbeing: Equip yourself with tools to process and release emotions.

Inclusions: 5 Day Nervous System Reset valued at $240 and a complimentary online Naturopathic Emotional Release Appointment (40 mins) valued at $160.


Toxicity and Its Impact

Body Efficiency: Understand what hinders your body from functioning optimally.

Detox Deep Dive: Investigate detox pathways and how to optimize your biochemistry and metabolic processes.

Inclusions: Valuable resources and insights valued at $390.

All modules come with resources, handouts, links, and downloadable materials accessible at your convenience.

Why Join Your Energy Solution?

  • Custom Approach 

  • Investigating and incorporating my 5 Pillars as a Comprehensive Integrated Solution

    Test, Don’t Guess: Functional Testing and Interpretation based on my extensive study 

    Bio Identical Protocol, Treatment Plans and Meal Planning and Wholefood Recipe Inspiration

    Extensive Collection of Resources to assess and incorporate

  • Individual Consultations combined with Group Support 

  • More opportunities to have access to direct communication with me 

  • Connection with women on a similar health journey seeking success and fulfilling their health goals.

  • Expert Knowledge and My Empathetic Approach 

  • With my 20 years working in the Natural Medicine profession, 15 years with Metagenics (Health World) as an Account Manager and 5 Years of Clinical practice I have also invested extensive hours into studying my niche area and passion Minerals and Mineral Balancing. I have completed Courses both here in Australia and the US on understanding biochemistry, minerals, and Functional Medicine.

    I have also been on my own health journey navigating CIRS (Mould Illness) Adrenal Fatigue and even smooth Menopause

    I am 52 years old and rocket out of bed every morning @ 5am for my morning surf and sunrise.

    I am empathetic of where you currently may be on your healing path and what strategies are needed to achieve your health goals so you can live your life with limitless energy and empowered resilience. 

    I am a degree qualified Nutritionist (Bachelor of Health Science, Food and Nutrition)

If there is no change, nothing changes.......

Don't let another 6 months, 1 year slip by with no action

Rebecca Divine

Dive Deep Over 12 Weeks!

6 Comprehensive modules

Focussed on the best value of your time to move you towards success and the strategies you need to go from exhausted to energised, release weight and maintain your future health.

6 Comprehensive Modules: Designed to maximize your time's value and equip you with strategies to transition from exhaustion to energy, shed those extra kilos , and sustain future health - Value $870

Consultations: 3 x 1:1 Consultations for guidance, support, accountability - Value $380

Meal Planing: 3 Months of Meal Planning and inspiration - Value $420

Testing: Functional Testing HTMA (Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis) - Value $210

Personalisation: Individualised and Personalised Treatment Protocol with Mineral Balancing Strategy - Value $190

Q & A: Another opportunity for you to has access to me for any queries or questions - Value Unlimited

Module Delivery: Expect content every fortnight. Just an hour a week: 30 minutes for tutorials and 30 minutes for hands-on application.

Module Delivery: Each module has a recorded video and Resources and Educational Downloads so you can learn to navigate your health roadmap. (My 20 Years of learning and 5 Years of Practice) - Value Priceless

Fortnightly Accountability Calls: Engage in accountability sessions via a private Facebook group to stay on track - Value $380

Connection: Connect with like-minded women working collectively to solve similar presentations. Instrumental for success, extra network support - Value $210

Tailored Treatment Protocol: Protocols and reviews personalized based on your unique results.

Join Our Vibrant Community: Engage, learn, and grow with like-minded individuals on our Facebook group - Value Priceless

Proven Success: Our approach isn't just about strategies, but tangible success.

I started Rebecca’s program after a friend got incredible results and told me she felt amazing. I had Hashimoto’s, hypothyroidism, auto immune issues, as well as IBS, joint pain which all started when my gall bladder was removed.

Within weeks I saw immediate results and each day I started to feel healthier and the pain I suffered disappeared. I was in shock to be honest. I didn’t think it could be possible.

I started eating foods that were on my personal list from my blood tests that did not irritate my gut. After 3 months, my hypothyroidism was completely reversed, and I had lost 12kg. I was nourishing my body the best way possible, healing my body from the inside out.

We also did a mineral test to check if I was deficient in specific nutrients needed to run my body’s energy systems.

Friends couldn’t believe my transformation and it was so easy. Just eating real foods and the right quantities and never feeling hungry. Early results kept me motivated and I now have a healthy relationship with food.

I am so grateful to Rebecca for changing my life, she is an amazing coach.

Anna N.


A critical superpower! Regenerative sleep is the holy grail of healing.

We address this possible roadblock.

Disrupted sleep, struggling to fall asleep, slow waking impacts your health and wellbeing.

Our stress response impacts our cortisol, adrenals constantly triggered leading to thyroid imbalance affecting metabolism and our energy systems.

Our Downloadable Resource will explain :

* Sleep cycles

* Cortisol levels, Assessment and Health Outcome

* Hormone Regulation

* Blood sugar and Hunger Hormones

* Liver Detoxification

Strategies to make sleep your super power

Did I mention the Bonuses?

So much extra goodness that is going to supercharge your success!


Did I mention the Bonuses?

So much extra goodness that is going to supercharge your success!


Many clients are lacking key minerals (electrolytes, being sodium and potassium) to run their body’s biochemistry.

We have your hydration solution covered- all super tasty and refreshing.

Did you know that without enough sodium in the body, no amount of water intake will maintain cellular hydration and no cell in the human body can function optimally.

Repleting minerals, especially electrolytes are foundational to our bodys biochemistry.

Essential minerals, potassium, sodium and trace minerals help increase energy levels, decrease stress levels, decrease water retention and swelling.

Minerals in specific ratios help balance blood sugar, support the bodys natural detoxification system, improve mental clarity and more.

This guide contains:

*Mineral elixir recipes to nourish and hydrate

*More educational resources about mineral balancing

*Adrenal support with whole food recipe ideas


An intro into the “Mothership” where you need to absorb your “minerals” (and other nutrients) for your enzymes and hormones (the messengers) that run

your body.

Gut Function with GEMM Protocol (Gut Ecology and Metabolic Modulation)

Your digestive system and gut bacteria impact your physical, mental and emotional health as well as your life.

Our gut roadmap is a step-by-step resource to learn about the root cause of your gut symptoms and how to rebalance.

You don’t even need to have symptoms to have gut issues – malabsorption, “leaky gut”, dysbiosis, candida, parasites and more.

Health is a multifactorial approach needing physiological, psychological and biochemical interventions.

By restoring energy to the body on all levels we can work towards correcting gut issues:

*drained energy, even though you get 8hrs sleep

*bloated, constipated, and uncomfortable

*mood swings, PMS, heavy or irregular cycles

The gut is our “mothership”. Its where we absorb our minerals that run our bodies biochemistry.

Minerals (electrolytes) make up our stomach acid needed to assimilate our nutrients, fire up our metabolism for energy.

Minerals in a specific balance are needed for hormone and enzyme production (the messengers) that run our body metabolically.

*Additional Testing and Gut Protocol available

for extra cost


Biohacking 101.

Strategies for Healthy Ageing

Growing older is a privilege and worthy of celebration.

Age should not be a burden, but a precious gift as we embrace life’s new chapters with grace and excitement.

As we grow older we need to consider that are bodies are breaking down on a metabolic level.

Metabolism slows naturally, hormones are diminished, we have less stomach acid to assimilate food and we need to track our minerals for bone health and prevention of osteoporosis.

Improving brain health requires a systematic approach focussed on reducing inflammation and improving function

This resources provides an overview on how we can support our bodies so the journey into mid-life and beyond is smoother, less symptom-riddled and hopefully medication free. Its best to be proactive in optimising your health and hormones

What makes Y.E.S. different?

  • Custom Approach 

  • Investigating and incorporating my 5 Pillars as a Comprehensive Integrated Solution

    Test, Don’t Guess: Functional Testing and Interpretation based on my extensive study 

    Bio Identical Protocol, Treatment Plans and Meal Planning and Wholefood Recipe Inspiration

    Extensive Collection of Resources to assess and incorporate

  • Individual Consultations combined with Group Support 

  • More opportunities to have access to direct communication with me 

  • Connection with women on a similar health journey seeking success and fulfilling their health goals.

    Connection with women on a similar health journey seeking success and fulfilling their health goals.

  • Expert Knowledge and My Empathetic Approach 

  • With my 20 years working in the Natural Medicine profession, 15years with Metagenics (Health World) as an Account Manager and 5 Years of Clinical practice I have also invested extensive hours into studying my niche area and passion Minerals and Mineral Balancing. I have completed Courses both here in Australia and the US on understanding biochemistry, minerals, and Functional Medicine.

    I have also been on my own health journey navigating CIRS (Mould Illness) Adrenal Fatigue and even smooth Menopause

    I am 52 years old and rocket out of bed every morning @ 5am for my morning surf and sunrise.

    I am empathetic of where you currently may be on your healing path and what strategies are needed to achieve your health goals so you can live your life with limitless energy and empowered resilience. 

    I am a degree qualified Nutritionist (Bachelor of Health Science, Food and Nutrition)

Thanks to Rebecca’s support I lost 8kg in the 12 Week program and have continued eating this way 

for the last 6 months as I feel more energised. I have now lost 14kg, the stubborn after menopause 

weight that I previously have never been able to shift. I also no longer have psoriasis that I could 

never get rid of. I feel great and have energy all the time now I have looked into my minerals. I have 

saved money on this program and don’t think about what to eat all the time



I have done the recommended liver cleanse x3 with Bec.

The liver cleanse is not too hard core like others – of course its not pleasant but its not anything to get worried about.

The results far outweigh any procrastination and fearful thoughts – so just do it.

You wont regret it as you will feel re-energised and reinvigorated.

Samantha K x


I have done the recommended liver cleanse x3 with Bec.

The liver cleanse is not too hard core like others – of course its not pleasant but its not anything to get worried about.

The results far outweigh any procrastination and fearful thoughts – so just do it.

You wont regret it as you will feel re-energised and reinvigorated.

Samantha K x

Is This Program Right for You?

Perfect Fit For:

Women on a Mission:

* Female entrepreneurs, high achievers, and passionate visionaries.

* Those dealing with exhaustion, fatigue, or overwhelm amidst their dreams.

* Women looking to optimize health while building their empire.

Women Embracing Change:

* Transitioning through peri-menopause to post-menopause and desiring a smooth journey.

* Seeking the glow of health and vitality as they age gracefully.

Slow-Ageing Enthusiasts:

* Women keen on slowing down the ageing process.

* Prioritising concerns like bone health, cardiovascular health, memory, and more

* Valuing targeted intuitive nutrition, mineral status, and a strong metabolism.

Not Suited For:

Younger Audiences:

Specifically women below the age of 21.

* I work with women in business, generally also Mum’s juggling with overwhelm and exhaustion to provide a health strategy that gives them energy and complete confidence to live their best and most vibrant life, releasing weight if this is a health priority.

*  Learning strategies to fuel your body with personalised nutrition planning and balanced biochemistry (minerals in specific ratios).

Change Resisters:

* Women not yet ready to fully commit to the transformation or take guided actions.

Those Unable to Undergo Functional Testing:

* My methodology heavily relies on assessing biochemical markers through pathology and functional mineral testing (hair analysis).

* These tests are crucial for tailoring the most effective protocols and treatment plans.


Is the Liver Love and Gall Bladder Flush safe?

Dr Hulda Clarke, a famous Doctor recommended liver “flushing.” In her opinion, based on over 500 cases clinically safely undertook this process with no medical complications.

Everyone is individual and has a unique experience. A small percentage may feel nauseated for a few days following. This will pass within a brief time. Coffee enemas can relieve these symptoms. 

What will my Doctor think about “Liver Flushing”? 

This process can be controversial as it contradicts many modern medical viewpoints.It is not normally encouraged by the Medical Profession as most would consider it “dangerous” or “ineffective.” 

Conventional medicine has no other alternative other than surgically removing the gall bladder which sadly can have debilitating consequences for an individual. 

Medical Doctors only consider large gall stones as problematic. 

Most of what we are eliminating cannot be seen on x-rays or a scan. 

Small stones don’t typically cause pain or gall bladder attacks however these are the start of stones ending up quite sizeable and a problem.

By the time you have acute pain and inflammation or at worse an “attack” stones in the gall bladder are big enough and sufficiently calcified to be seen on a scan.

When the gall bladder is removed, the acute pain is rectified however digestive issues when metabolising foods containing fat that can lead to malnutrition and long-term diarrhoea following removal.

Stones can accumulate in the liver. If undertaking an operation to remove the stones, small stones and “gravel-like crystals” remain in the congested liver interfering with optimal liver function.

Regular liver gall bladder cleansing and maintenance is encouraged as a preventative strategy. 

Can I do this Cleanse if I don’t have a Gall Bladder?

Yes! People who have their gall bladder surgically removed still eliminate green, bile-coated stones with a liver flush. This process allows them to still remove liver stones.

Can I do this cleanse if I have non-alcoholic fatty liver?

This program is to rejuvenate and nourish your liver and gall bladder and is an ideal support process. It will however, not reverse a medical condition. Consult with your Doctor or medical professional before taking on any new supplements to ensure that they will work well for your individual needs.

How often can you do the liver cleanse?

This can easily become part of your health maintenance protocol and if doing regular cleanses every month is suggested. 

You may repeat this liver gall bladder flush at one-month intervals until no more stones come out. 

It is NOT recommended to do them within this time frame.

As a preventative, we recommend doing the Liver Cleanse Program 2-3 times yearly or as needed. 

Your liver will thank you for it and its incredibly supportive of a healthy liver and gall bladder.

Most people may need to complete multiple liver cleanses for best results. 

Can you provide insights?

Because everyone is so different, some will find relief with 3 Liver Cleanses, others may need to complete 6 or more to achieve these results. The Liver Cleanse Program is a 14-day Cleanse that is usually followed by 1-2 week (or more) of rest. The Cleanse could then be repeated if you find it is needed.

Can we raise the Oxy-Powder dosage to one that works better for me?

When consuming Oxy-Powder, the ideal result is for it to induce 3-5 movements to achieve the cleansing effect. You can increase the serving of Oxy-Powder to accommodate your needs.

Can you fast when liver cleansing?

While this is possible, we do not recommend fasting while cleansing. We do suggest following a plant-based diet with easy-to-digest foods. If you choose to fast, please use discretion, and consider working with me directly to help determine if this is ideal for your personal needs.

Can stones get lodged in bile ducts during a Liver Flush

Yes, but this is very rare.

If you feel waves of pain reaching up to your throat it could be possible a gall stone is lodged in your bile duct (clay coloured stool can also be evidence of bile duct blockage) 

Epsom salts can relax the bile duct in 20 mins to aid pushing the gall stone through the duct.

Take 1 Tablespoon of Epsom salts in ¾ cup of water but only on an empty stomach or you will get nauseated. Valerian is another herb that can relax your bile duct. 

Relief may be from a relaxation of the bile duct system (and not the actual gall stone)

Magnesium in Epsom salts relaxes spasms. 

If this occurs, it would be an indication that ideally you should do a liver flush at 2-week intervals to try and dislodge the stuck gall stone. 


Is the Liver Love and Gall Bladder Flush safe?

Dr Hulda Clarke, a famous Doctor recommended liver “flushing.” In her opinion, based on over 500 cases clinically safely undertook this process with no medical complications.

Everyone is individual and has a unique experience. A small percentage may feel nauseated for a few days following. This will pass within a brief time. Coffee enemas can relieve these symptoms. 

What will my Doctor think about “Liver Flushing”? 

This process can be controversial as it contradicts many modern medical viewpoints.It is not normally encouraged by the Medical Profession as most would consider it “dangerous” or “ineffective.” 

Conventional medicine has no other alternative other than surgically removing the gall bladder which sadly can have debilitating consequences for an individual. 

Medical Doctors only consider large gall stones as problematic. 

Most of what we are eliminating cannot be seen on x-rays or a scan. 

Small stones don’t typically cause pain or gall bladder attacks however these are the start of stones ending up quite sizeable and a problem.

By the time you have acute pain and inflammation or at worse an “attack” stones in the gall bladder are big enough and sufficiently calcified to be seen on a scan.

When the gall bladder is removed, the acute pain is rectified however digestive issues when metabolising foods containing fat that can lead to malnutrition and long-term diarrhoea following removal.

Stones can accumulate in the liver. If undertaking an operation to remove the stones, small stones and “gravel-like crystals” remain in the congested liver interfering with optimal liver function.

Regular liver gall bladder cleansing and maintenance is encouraged as a preventative strategy. 

Can I do this Cleanse if I don’t have a Gall Bladder?

Yes! People who have their gall bladder surgically removed still eliminate green, bile-coated stones with a liver flush. This process allows them to still remove liver stones.

Can I do this cleanse if I have non-alcoholic fatty liver?

This program is to rejuvenate and nourish your liver and gall bladder and is an ideal support process. It will however, not reverse a medical condition. Consult with your Doctor or medical professional before taking on any new supplements to ensure that they will work well for your individual needs.

How often can you do the liver cleanse?

This can easily become part of your health maintenance protocol and if doing regular cleanses every month is suggested. 

You may repeat this liver gall bladder flush at one-month intervals until no more stones come out. 

It is NOT recommended to do them within this time frame.

As a preventative, we recommend doing the Liver Cleanse Program 2-3 times yearly or as needed. 

Your liver will thank you for it and its incredibly supportive of a healthy liver and gall bladder.

Most people may need to complete multiple liver cleanses for best results. 

Can you provide insights?

Because everyone is so different, some will find relief with 3 Liver Cleanses, others may need to complete 6 or more to achieve these results. The Liver Cleanse Program is a 14-day Cleanse that is usually followed by 1-2 week (or more) of rest. The Cleanse could then be repeated if you find it is needed.

Can we raise the Oxy-Powder dosage to one that works better for me?

When consuming Oxy-Powder, the ideal result is for it to induce 3-5 movements to achieve the cleansing effect. You can increase the serving of Oxy-Powder to accommodate your needs.

Can you fast when liver cleansing?

While this is possible, we do not recommend fasting while cleansing. We do suggest following a plant-based diet with easy-to-digest foods. If you choose to fast, please use discretion, and consider working with me directly to help determine if this is ideal for your personal needs.

Can stones get lodged in bile ducts during a Liver Flush

Yes, but this is very rare.

If you feel waves of pain reaching up to your throat it could be possible a gall stone is lodged in your bile duct (clay coloured stool can also be evidence of bile duct blockage) 

Epsom salts can relax the bile duct in 20 mins to aid pushing the gall stone through the duct.

Take 1 Tablespoon of Epsom salts in ¾ cup of water but only on an empty stomach or you will get nauseated. Valerian is another herb that can relax your bile duct. 

Relief may be from a relaxation of the bile duct system (and not the actual gall stone)

Magnesium in Epsom salts relaxes spasms. 

If this occurs, it would be an indication that ideally you should do a liver flush at 2-week intervals to try and dislodge the stuck gall stone. 

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